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Leuven Database: database of Irish students in Leuven

Key to Leuven Database:

This database, compiled by Dr Jeroen Nilis, contains data of over 1000 Irish students registered in the University of Leuven/Louvain between the mid sixteenth and late eighteenth century. It was published in Archivium Hibernicum 60 (2006-7), 1-304 and in Leuven University was founded in 1425 with faculties of canon law, civil law, medicine, arts and, from 1432, theology. Irish students appear from 1548 onwards. Up to 1797, 1,171 Irish (secular) students stayed at Leuven, which counted four Irish Colleges within its town walls: three religious houses and one College for pastoral or secular students. All were incorporated in the University. The information presented here has been gathered from university matriculation books, other university archival material and published sources. The complete list of sources used may be found at the end of this introduction.
Four sources were used: firstly, the university’s matriculation registers. The register for the second half of the sixteenth century is lost and there exists a gap from 1568 to 1616 for almost all documents of the central administration of the university. However, recent research has revealed that the promotions toMagister Artium(MA), and the results of the general concursus or final exam, which concluded the obligatory propedeutic period at the arts Faculty, were noted down for the period 1572-1643 in the Acta Facultatis Artium. These records are kept at the Royal or State Archives in Leuven and using them one can reconstruct a major part of the lost Matriculation Registers, covering the period 1568-1616. The contents of the eighth volume (1683-1734), also missing, can be reconstructed, using the accounts of the universityreceptor.
The second core source used was the record of the promotions in arts. These registers run from 24 May 1427 to Oct. 1447; 9 Nov. 1482 to 20 June; 23 June 1508 to 27 Sept. 1511. There is a gap until 1572, as volumes six to eight (1511-1571) are lost but Acta survive for the whole period 1572 to 1791. From 1643 onwards the promotion lists were recorded in separate registers. After 1616 the results of the promotions were published. The printed promotion lists did not always mention the postlineales or those promoti post medium. The Acta were consulted for the period 1572-1643, theiLibri Promotionum for the period 1643-1797.
The third source consulted was the Libri Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, the university account books. They list the revenues of particular accounts, for instance those of the University Hall and the Wine Cellar; the also include the dues paid for matriculation, academic acts, admission to the University Council, nominations and others. These account books are not complete for the whole period 1425-1797. They run from 21 Dec. 1521 to 24 June 1556. Then, as with the Libri Intitulatorum, there is a major gap from 1556 to 21 Dec. 1621. Almost unbroken series survive to 1797, with minor gaps.
A fourth major source are the lists of the students of Holy Trinity College (1658-1797), the Leuven Latin school administered by the Arts Faculty. The Minervalia or Manuale Minervalium are preserved for the period Oct. 1747 to Oct. 1790. Some other lists of this school, including that of books distributed to the laureates, were consulted (1723-91). Account books of the Vaulx College (1592-1657), the predecessor to the Holy Trinity College, were checked for Irish names.
These lists were supplemented with bursary lists of the Great College of the Holy Spirit and the Irish Pastoral college. E.H.J Reusens accumulated and published a considerable body of information in hisDocuments relatifs à l’histoire de l’Université de Louvainbased on the manuscriptHistoria Universitatis Lovaniensisby J.L. Bax. The indexes ofCollectanea Hibernica and Archivium Hibernicum,Irish Ecclesiastical Record,Repertorium Novum were also consulted. Other Irish and Flemish journals were browsed for Leuven Irish references, includingJournal of the Waterford and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society. The Archdukes Albrecht and Isabella were concerned with the English, Scottish and Irish refugees in the Southern Netherlands. They regularly received begging letters for financial aid, which were often granted. These requests for support are preserved in the State and Audience Papers, which were partially browsed for the years 1607-09 and 1614-17, and 1622-26. A more thorough search would certainly yield more information of Irish interest.

Key to primary sources for Leuven/Louvain entries:

Abp. Archbishop
ACB J. Nauwelaers, Histoire des avocats au souverain Conseil de Brabant (2 vols, Brussels, 1947)
ACT1704 W[illiam] J. W[alsh] (ed.), ‘An Act for Registering the Popish Clergy 1704’ in I.E.R., xx (1876), pp 219-312, 338-360, 376-408, 420-456, 464-500, 512-550.
APFArchivio della Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide, Rome
APF, ACTAExamined by Hugh Fenning, O.P. His notes were used in the preparation of this article. His assistance is gratefully acknowledge.
APF, Fondo di Vienna in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Calendar of Irish material in vols 12 and 13 (ff 1-200) of the Fondo di Vienna in the Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., xxiv (1982), pp 45-80; ‘Vol. 13, Part 2, ff 201-401’ in Coll. Hib., xxv (1983), pp 30-62; ‘Vol. 13, Part 3, ff 402-522’ in Coll. Hib., xxvi (1984), pp 20-45; id., ‘Calendar of volume 14 of the Fondo di Vienna in the Propaganda Archives, 3 parts’ in: Hib., xxix (1987), pp 34-58; xxx (1988), pp 26-54; id., ‘Calendar of volume 15 of the Fondo di Vienna in the Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., xxxiii (1991), pp 54-92; id., ‘Calendar of volume 16 of the Fondo di Vienna in the Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., xxxviii (1997), 59-81; ‘Vol. 16, Part 2, ff. 103-216’ in: Coll. Hib., xxxix-xl (1997-98), pp 96-105; ‘Vol. 16, Part 3, ff. 217-80’ in Coll. Hib., xli (2000), pp 10-35; ‘Vol. 16, Part 4, ff. 281-371’ in Coll. Hib., xliii (2001), pp 13-33.
APF, Lettere antiche, 138 report IPC Leuven 1639, names listed in ISUL, p. 80, n26.
APF, SCScritturi riferite nei Congressi
APF, SC, CV, 49Collegi Vari, 49, Olandesi ed Irlandesi di Lovanio (1622-1802) (microfilm in possession of Prof Jan Roegiers).
APF, SC, VC, 36Visite e Collegi, 36, Visite del Collegio Germa-nico e altri Oltramarini e Oltramontani 1697-98.
APF, SC, Irlanda, 1 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Calendar of volume 1 (1625-68) of the collection Scritture riferite nei congressi, Irlanda, in Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., vi-vii (1963/4), pp 18-211.
APF, SC, Irlanda, 2 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Calendar of Volume 2 (1669-71) of the Scritture riferite nei congressi, Irlanda in Propaganda Archives: Part 1, ff 1-401’ in Coll. Hib., xvi (1973-4), pp 7-47; ‘Part 2, ff 402-803’ in Coll. Hib., xvii (1974-5), pp 17-68.
APF, SC, Irlanda, 3 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Calendar of volume 3 (1672-5) of Scriture refirite nei congressi, Ir-landa, in Propaganda Archives Part 1, ff 1-200’ in Coll. Hib., xviii-xix (1976-77), pp 40-71; ‘Part 2, ff 201-518’ in Coll. Hib., xxi-xxii (1979-80), pp 7-81.
APF, SORCG Scritture originali riferite nelle congregazioni generali
APF, SORCG 101 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Catalogue of Irish material in fourteen volumes of the Scritture originali riferite nelle congregazioni generali in Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib. , x (1967), pp 7-59.
APF, SORCG 129-131 in Coll. Hib. Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Catalogue of Irish material in vols. 129-131 of the Scritture originali riferite nelle congregazioni generali in Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., xi (1968-9), pp 7-18.
APF, SORCG 132-139 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Catalogue of Irish material in vols. 132-139 of the Scritture originali riferite nelle congregazioni generali in Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., xii (1969), pp 7-44.
APF, SORCG 140-3 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Catalogue of Irish material in vols. 140-3 of the Scritture originali riferite nelle congregazioni generali in Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., xiii (1971), pp 21-60.
APF, SORCG 294 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Catalogue of volume 294 of the Scritture originali riferite nelle congregazioni generali in Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., viii (1965), pp 7-37.
APF, SORCG 370-371 in Coll. Hib.Benignus Millett (ed.), ‘Catalogue of Irish material in vols. 370 and 371 of the Scritture originali riferite nelle congregazioni generali in Propaganda Archives’ in Coll. Hib., xxvii-xxviii (1985-86), pp 44-85.
ARAAlgemeen Rijksarchief (General State Archives), Brussels.
ARA, GR Geheime Raad (Privy Council).
ARA, GR 1088ABurse Thomas Stapleton: (1760-70s).
ARA, GR 1088BBurse Thomas Stapleton.
ARA, GR 1089BBurse Thomas Stapleton.
ARA, SAStaat en Audiëntie (State and Audience).
ARA, SA 2636Requests and petitions, 1607.
ARA, SA 2637Requests and petitions, 1608.
ARA, SA 2638Requests and petitions, 1608.
ARA, SA 2639Requests and petitions, 1609.
ARA, SA 2644Requests and petitions, 1614.
ARA, SA 2645Requests and petitions, 1615.
ARA, SA 2646Requests and petitions, 1616.
ARA, SA 2647Requests and petitions, 1617.
ARA, SSO Secretariaat van Staat en Oorlog (Secretary of State and War).
ARA, SSO 1078-1079 Correspondence of Count de Cobenzl. See Xavier Duquenne, Inventaire analytique de la correspondance générale du Comte de Cobenzl (1718-1770: Archives générales du Royaume, Secrétairerie d’Etat et de Guerre, nrs 1053-1296 et 1299-1303), (Brussels, 2004).
Arch. Hib.Archivium Hibernicum: or Irish Historical Records. (Maynooth, 1912- ).
AVB, NFAnalecta Vaticano-Belgica, 2nd series A: Nonciature de Flandre, Brussels-Rome.
AVB, NF VB. de Meester (ed.), Correspondance du nonce Giovanni-Francesco Guido di Bagno (1621--1627) Première partie (1621-1624) in Analecta Vaticano-Belgica, 2nd series A: Nonciature de Flandre V, (Brussels-Rome, 1938).
AVB, NF XW. Brulez (ed.), Correspondance de Richard Pauli-Stravius, 1634-1642 in Analecta Vatican-o-Belgica, 2nd series A: Nonciature de Flandre X, (Brussels-Rome, 1955).
AVB, NF XIL. Van Meerbeeck (ed.), Correspondance du nonce Fabio de Lagonissa, Archevèque de Conza (1627-1634) in Analecta Vaticano-Belgica, 2nd series, Nonciature de Flandre XI, (Brussels-Rome, 1966).
BADeterminatio or Baccalaureus Artium; Baccalaureate of Arts.
Bax, HiberniJ.L. Bax, Hiberni Promoti, doctores, professores in Univ. Lovan. - Collegia Hib. Lovain. & Antwerp. Brussels, KBR, Mss. 22181.
Bax, HistoriaJ.L. Bax, Historia Universitatis Lovaniensis, Brussels, KBR, Mss. 22172, 11 vols.
Begley John Archdeacon Begley, The diocese of Limerick from 1691 to the present time, (3 vols, Dublin, 1938).
Bellesheim A. Bellesheim, Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Irland, (3 vols., Mainz, 1890-1).
Bergé, Kerkelijk leven DeinzeKatrien Bergé, Kerkelijk leven in de landelijke dekenij Deinze (1661-1762), Belgisch centrum voor landelijke geschiedenis. Publ. 63, (Leuven, 1981).
Boute (2003) Bruno Boute, Academic Interests and Catholic Confessionalisation in the Archducal Netherlands (1598-1621). The Louvain Privileges of Nomination to Ecclesiastical Benefices, Ph.D, Leuven, 2003.
Boyle, I.C.P. Patrick Boyle, The Irish college at Paris, 1578-1901, (London, 1901).
Brady W. Maziere Brady, The episcopal succession in England, Scotland and Ireland A.D. 1400 to 1875, …, (3 vols, Rome, 1876-77).
Brants (1917)Victor Brants, La Faculté de droit de l’Université de Louvain à travers cinq siècles: étude historique, (Brussels, 1917).
Brockliss (1987)Laurence W.B Brockliss and P. Ferté, ‘Irish Clerics in France in the Seventheenth and Eighteenth Centuries: a Statistical Study’ in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 87, C, 9 (1987), pp 527-572.
Brockliss & Ferté, Arch. Hib. LVIII (2004) Laurence W.B Brockliss and P. Ferté, ‘Irish Clerics in France in the Seventheenth and Eighteenth Centuries: a Statistical Study’ in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 87, C, 9 (1987), pp 527-572.
BRUNEEL (1977) Claude Bruneel, Répertoire des thèses imprimées de lUniversité de Louvain (1425-1797). 1: Faculté de médecine. Fonds de la Bibliothèque centrale. UCL. Catalogues, inventaires et répertoires de la Bibliothèque centrale, 3, (Louvain, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1977).
BRUNEEL (2004)Claude Bruneel & Claude de Moreau de Gerbehaye, Les gradués de la Faculté de médecine de lancienne Université de Louvain (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) in Académie royale de Belgique. Commission royale dhistoire. Publications, 74, (Brussels, Commission royale d’histoire, 2004).
Callewier (2005) Hendrik Callewier, Inventaris van het oud archief van de Sint-Jacobskerk te Leuven (1273-1803), Rijksarchief te Leuven, Inventarissen 42, (Brussel, 2005).
Card. Cardinal
Cassiman, Jan BarryA. Cassiman, ‘Toen Jan Barry pasterde te Deinze’ in K.O.K.-Deinze, ii (1930).
Clergy DerryEdward Daly & Kieran Devlin, The Clergy of the Diocese of Derry: an Index (Dublin, 1997).
Cloet,Michel Cloet, ‘Het Sint-Blasiushospitaal te
Sint-BlasiushospitaalDeinze in de 17de en 18de eeuw’ in Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van Deinze en de Leiestreek, lxxx (2003), pp 153-220.
Clogher Rec.Clogher Record
CmCollegium minus; Small College of the Holy Spirit.
CMCollegium minus; Great College of the Holy Spirit.
Collat.Collation of a burse
Coll. Hib.Collectanea Hibernica
Cregan (1979)Donal F. Cregan, ‘The Social and Cultural Background of a Counter-Reformation Episcopate, 1618-1660’ in Art Cosgrave and Donal McCartney (eds.), Studies in Irish History. Presented to R. Dudley Edwards, (Dublin, 1979), pp 85-117.
DDA, AB1/116/2Dublin Diocesan Archives, AB1/116/2
Def. Form. Fac Arts: Defenderunt formaliter.
Det.Fac. Arts: Determinarunt, determinavit.
Diocese Elphin Francis Beirne (ed.), The Diocese of Elphin: People, Places and Pilgrimage, (Dublin, 2000).
Diocese Ferns John V. Gahan, The secular priests of the Diocese of Ferns: lists of priests who served in each parish, with short biographical notes, (Strasbourg, 2000).
Diocese KilmoreFrancis J. MacKiernan, Diocese of Kilmore, bishops and priests 1136-1988, (Cavan, 1989) (repr. 1990).
Diocese Meath, 18th Patrick Fagan, The Diocese of Meath in the Eighteenth Century, (Dublin, 2001).
Doc. IPC Leuven F.M. Jones, ‘Documents concerning the Collegium Pastorale Hibernicum of Louvain, 1624’ in Arch. Hib., xvi (1951), pp 40-62.
Fenning, IDL 1700 Hugh Fenning, ‘Irish Dominicans at Louvain before 1700: a Biographical Register’, Coll. Hib., xliii (2001), pp 112-160.
Fenning, IOR Hugh Fenning, ‘Irishmen ordained at Rome, 1572-1697’ in Arch. Hib., lix (2005), pp 1-36.
French (1846) The historical works of the Right Reverend Nicholas French, D.D., bishop of Ferns, ed. James Duffy, (Dublin, 1846).
Fund. Fundator/Foundation (of a scholarship or burse)
Hellin [E.A. Hellin], Histoire chronologique des evêques, et du chapitre exemt de l’eglise cathédrale de S. Bavon à Gand; … , à Gand, chez Pierre de Goesin, 1772. Supplement… , (Gand, 1777).
IB Joseph P. Spelman, ‘The Irish in Belgium’, in I.E.R., vi (1885), vii (1886), ix (1888).
IDC Irish Dominican College, Leuven.
I.E.R. Irish Ecclesiastical Record
IFC Irish Franciscan College, Leuven.
IPC Irish Pastoral College, Leuven.
Irish BooksM.O. Walsh, Irish Books printed abroad, 1475-1700, (The Irish Book, 2/1) (Dublin, 1963).
ISUL = (J) Brendan Jennings, ‘Irish students in the University of Louvain’ in Sylvester O’Brien (ed.), Measgra i gCuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh, (Dublin, 1944), pp 74-97.
J.W.S.E.I.A.S.Journal of the Waterford and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society
Jennings, Acta SCPFBrendan Jennings, ‘Acta Sacra Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1622-1650’ in Arch. Hib., xxii (1959), pp 28-140.
Jennings, IPMBrendan Jennings, ‘Irish Preachers and Confessors in the Archdiocese of Malines, 1607-1794’ in Arch. Hib., xxiii (1960), pp 148-66.
Jennings, M. Doc. Brendan Jennings, ‘Miscellaneous Documents I, 1588-1634’ in Arch. Hib., xii (1946), pp 160-62; Id., ‘Miscellaneous Documents II, 1625-1640’ in: Arch. Hib., xiv (1949), pp 1-49; Id., ‘Miscellaneous Documents III, 1602-1715’ in Arch. Hib., xv (1950), pp 1-74.
Jennings, MORBrendan Jennings, ‘Irish Names in the Malines Ordination Registers 1602-1794’ in I.E.R., lxxxv (1951), pp 149-62, lxxvi (1951), pp 44-48, 128-40, pp 222-33, pp 314-18, pp 399-408, pp 483-87, lxxvii (1952), pp 202-07, pp 366-69.
Jennings, ReportsBrendan Jennings (ed.), ‘Reports on Irish Colleges in the Low Countries, 1645-1700’ in Arch. Hib., xvi (1951), pp 1-39.
Jennings, Wild GeeseBrendan Jennings (ed.), Wild Geese in Spanish Flanders, 1582-1700, (Dublin, 1964)
JUB Juris Utriusque Baccalaureus
JUD Juris Utriusque Doctor
JULJuris Utriusque Licentiatus
JusJuris Utriusque studiosus
Kent 1742 Kent 1742 Hugh Fenning, ‘John Kent’s Report on the Irish Mission, 1742’ in Arch. Hib., xxxi (1966), pp 65-87.
KBR Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek/Bibliothèque royale (Royal Library)
Kerry (1985) Pádraig de Brún, ‘Some lists of Kerry priests, 1750-1835’ in Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Journal, xviii (1985), pp 83-169.
Kuborn E. Kuborn, Les fondations de bourses d’études. Loi. Arretés royaux. Circulaire ministérielle. Renseignements divers. Notices sur toutes les fondations administrées par la Commission provinciale du Brabant, (2 vols, Brussels, 1900?).
KUL Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Catholic University Leuven)
KUL, U.A. Universiteitsarchief (University Archives)
KUL, U.A., OUL Oude Universiteit Leuven (Old University Leuven)
KUL, U.A., OUL Unigenitus Signatures on the Bull Unigenitus in Fac. Canon Law (formerly Bibliotheca Bollandiana, Brussels, Ms. 273)
KUL, U.A., OUL 43 Fund J.O’Brien 19 Mar.-11 Aug. 1764 and 6 Oct. 1767
KUL, U.A., OUL 192 Fund. John Sinnich
KUL, U.A., OUL 196 Fund. John Sinnich
KUL, U.A., OUL 320-340 Bursae: state of 1784-98
KUL, U.A., OUL 320c/82Fundationes volantes, 1750-1800: nr. 82: Michael Hennessy
KUL, U.A., OUL 320d/143 Fundationes volantes, 1750-1800: nr. 143: Thomas Stapleton
KUL, U.A., OUL 333 Fund. Thomas Stapleton: law suit by Edmond Stapleton against Richard Power; Fund. Fl. Sullivan
LA Promotion in the Arts; Licentiate of Arts
Laenen (1921)Joseph Laenen, Het Iersch college te Antwerpen: lezing gehouden op de feestzitting van Antwerpen’s oudheidkundigen kring, ten stadhuize, den 30 October 1921, (Baasrode, 1923). Reprint from Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis, xiv (1922-23). For English language version see Nilis (1996).
LP (1968) Brendan Jennings, Cathaldus Giblin (eds), Louvain papers 1606-1827, (Dublin, 1968).
MA Magister Artium; Master of Arts; Birredatus in Fac. Artium
Matr.: Matriculated
Matr.: (C) Pedagogy the Castle (Castrum)
Matr.: (F) Pedagogy the Falcon (Falco)
Matr.: (L) Pedagogy the Lily (Lilium)
Matr.: (P) Pedagogy the Pig (Porcus)
Meulemans, Huizen... Oude Leuven Alfons Meulemans, Huizen en straten van het Oude Leuven, Jaarboek Leuvens Historisch Genootschap, xlii, (Leuven, 2004).
M Minor Orders
MB Medicinae Baccalaureus
MD Medicinae Doctor
ML Medicinae Licentiatus
Ms Medicinae studiosus; student in Medicine.
MS 1085 Rheims, Archives Municipale MS 1085: list of degrees at Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rheims. This list was examined by L.W.B. Brockliss for Irish students. The author is grateful for the use of Prof Brockliss’s notes.
MUL E. Reussens, J. Wils and A. Schillings (eds), Matriculé de l’Université de Louvain, (10 vols, Brussels, 1903-80).
NF in: Coll. Hib.C. Giblin, ‘Catalogue of Material of Irish Interest in the Collection Nunziatura di Fiandra’ in Coll. Hib., i (1958); iii (1960); iv (1961); v (1962); ix (1966); x (1967); xi (1968); xii (1969); xiii (1970); xiv (1971); xv (1972).
Nilis (1996) Jeroen Nilis and Joseph Laenen, ‘The Irish College Antwerp’ in Clogher Record, xv, 3 (1996), pp 7-86.
Nom. Nominated
Nuttinck(1969)Michel Nuttinck, La vie et loeuvre de Zeger-Bernard Van Espen, un canoniste janséniste, gallican et régalien à lUniversité de Louvain (1646-1728)’ in UCL. Recueil de travaux dhistoire et de philologie, 43 (Louvain, 1969).
O’Fiaich, Poets Cardinal Tomas O’Fiaich, ‘Poets and scholars of Creggan parish’ in Creggan: Journal of the Creggan Local History Society, I (1986) pp
O’Flanders (1922) A. O’Flanders, Erin, (Nieuwpoort, 1922).
Oath 1782 Reginald Walsh, ‘A list of Ecclesiastics that took the Oath of Allegiance’ in I.E.R., xxx (1882), pp 46-76.
O.F.M. Ordinis Fratrum Minorum; Franciscan
O.F.M. Cap.Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Capucinorum; Capucin
O.P. Ordinis Praedicatorum; Dominican
Ord. Ordination(s)
PA Patres Augustiniani
PBA Presentatio Baccalaureorum Artium
Pbr Presbyter; Priest
PLA Presentatio Magister Artium (= Licentiatus Artium)
Ped. Pedagogy
P. Ó Suilleabhain, Library Padraig Ó Suilleabhain, ‘The library of a parish priest of the Penal Days’ in Coll. Hib., vi-vii (1963-4), pp 234-244.
Power, Waterford (1937) Patrick Power, Waterford and Lismore: a compendious history of the united dioceses, (Cork, 1937).
P.P. Parish Priest
Pr. Priest
Pr.A. Promotion in the Arts = LA
Pres. President
Proost, refugiés J.J.E. Proost, ‘Les refugiés Anglais et Irlandais en Belgique à la suite de la réforme religieuse établie sous Elisabeth en Jacques Ier’ in Messager des sciences historiques ou archives des arts et de la bibliographie (1865), pp 277-314.
Publ. Published; publications.
Quaghebeur, Pro aris Toon Quaghebeur, Pro aris et focis. Theologie en macht aan de Theologische Faculteit te Leuven 1617-1730, Ph.D thesis, 2 vols, Leuven, 2004.
RAGRijksarchief Gent (State Archives, Ghent).
RAG, B1437; B4916-4922Diocese of Ghent, ordination registers.
RALRijksarchief Leuven (State Archives Leuven).
RAL, OUL Oude Universiteit Leuven (Old University Leuven) (formerly at ARA) See Henri De Vocht, Inventaire des archives de l’Université de Louvain 1426-1797 aux Archives générales du Royaume à Bruxelles, (Louvain, 1927).
RAL, OUL 24Liber quartus Intitulatorum, 28 Feb.1528-28 Feb. 1569.
RAL, OUL 25Liber sextus Intitulatorum, 19 Feb. 1616-3 Feb. 1651.
RAL, OUL 26Liber septimus Intitulatorum, 3 Feb. 1651-31 Aug.1683.
RAL, OUL 128List of all Licentiates of the University of Leuven in Theology, Law and Medicine: from 2 May 1773 to 1 July 1788; list of all Primi at the General Promotion in the Arts, 1428-1793.
RAL, OUL 161Fundationes Universitatis Lovaniensis, part I.
RAL, OUL 162Fundationes Universitatis Lovaniensis, part II.
RAL, OUL 273Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 21 Dec. 1529-21 Dec.1543.
RAL, OUL 274Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 21 Dec. 1543-24 June 1556.
RAL, OUL 275Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 21 Dec. 1621-24 June 1637.
RAL, OUL 276Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 24 June 1637-24 June 1654.
RAL, OUL 277Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 21 Dec. 1659-24 June 1669.
RAL, OUL 278Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 24 June 1669-21 Dec. 1679.
RAL, OUL 279Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 21 Dec. 1679-24 June 1690.
RAL, OUL 280Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 24 June 1690-21 Dec. 1702.
RAL, OUL 281Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 28 Jan. 1703-31 Aug. 1722.
RAL, OUL 282Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 28 Feb. 1723-28 Feb. 1738.
RAL, OUL 283Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 28 Feb. 1738-29 Feb. 1752.
RAL, OUL 284Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 26 Feb. 1752-28 Feb. 1765.
RAL, OUL 285Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 28 Feb. 1765-27 Feb. 1776.
RAL, OUL 286Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 27 Feb. 1776-30 June 1788.
RAL, OUL 287Accounts of the University, Oct. 1788- Nov. 1789.
RAL, OUL 288Liber Computuum Receptorum Universitatis, 28 Feb. 1790-26 Oct. 1797.
RAL, OUL 289Accounts of the Receptor of the University, books for the audition: 11 Sept. 1711-28 Feb. 1722; 28 Feb. 1731-29 Feb. 1732.
RAL, OUL 290Accounts of the Receptor of the University, books for the audition: 28 Feb. 1738-30 Aug. 1752.
RAL, OUL 291Accounts of the Receptor of the University, books for the audition: 26 Feb. 1765-26 Feb. 1773.
RAL, OUL 292Accounts of the Receptor of the University, 1674-1679, with notes, minutes and framents of accounts.
RAL, OUL 388Fac. Theology, Acta Facultatis S. Theologiae, 28 Feb. 1631-28 Feb. 1663.
RAL, OUL 476Fac. Theology, list of signatures on the Bull Unigenitus (1713), imposed by order of the University on anybody, presenting himself for graduation, from 12 Feb. 1731-6 May 1794.
RAL, OUL 505Fac. Theology, Nomina Baccalaureorum Biblicorum, Sententiariorum et Formatorum [Licentiatorum et Doctorum] a Ven. Facultate Theologiae in Universitate Lovaniensi promotorum ab anno 1585 ad mensem Martium anni 1619 [Hand of bedell Gerard Rivius].
RAL, OUL 506Fac. Theology, Responsiones Vacatiales: July 1600 – Feb. 1611.
RAL, OUL 507Fac. Theology, Registrum Bedellorum G. Rivii et B. Masii: sermons, lists of baccalaureates, licentiates, doctorates and examiners: 23 Apr. 1605-20 Apr. 1635.
RAL, OUL 508Fac. Theology, Acta Baccalaureorum et Responsiones Formales, licentiates and doctorates, 1617-33, with indication of the subjets and accounts of certain professors: manual of G. Rivius.
RAL, OUL 510Fac. Theology, Responsiones Vacatiales: 1662- Apr. 1682.
RAL, OUL 511Fac. Theology, Register of bedell P. de Vaddere, exercises and exams in theology, Oct. 1670-89.
RAL, OUL 673Fac. Law, Liber Fiscalis Baccalaureorum Juris Utriusque from Mar. 1594 to Sept. 1623.
RAL, OUL 674Fac. Law, Liber Fiscalis Baccalaureorum Juris Utriusque from 1687 to 1 Oct. 1797.
RAL, OUL 713Fac. Arts, Acta Facultatis Artium, Liber nonus, 5 Jan. 1572-1 Feb. 1597.
RAL, OUL 714Fac. Arts, Acta Facultatis Artium, Liber decimus, 18 Apr. 1597-30 Sept. 1613.
RAL, OUL 715Fac. Arts, Acta Facultatis Artium, Liber undecimus, 1 Oct. 1613-2 June 1625.
RAL, OUL 716Fac. Arts, Acta Facultatis Artium, Liber duodecimus, 1 June 1625-18 Jan. 1647.
RAL, OUL 809Fac. Arts, Liber Biretatorum seu Doctorum Artium anni 1680 [-1764]: List of birretati, 1 Mar. 1680-7 June 1764; Actus formalis, determination etc. Aug. 1676-1705.
RAL, OUL 810Fac. Arts, Liber Birretatorum seu Doctorum Artium: List of birretati, 23 June 1764- 9 June 1794.
RAL, OUL 811Fac. Arts, Register of the Actus Licentiae in Artibus et Promotiones from Nov. 1643 to Nov. 1764.
RAL, OUL 811 bis.Fac. Arts, Register of Promotiones Generales in Artibus universitatis Lovaniensis ab erectione ejusdem anno usque ad praesens ex libris originalibus facultatis artium collectae: 1429-1797.
RAL, OUL 811/1Fac. Arts, Register of the Promotiones in Artibus: 1500-1659.
RAL, OUL 811/2Fac. Arts, Register of the Promotiones in Artibus: 9 Nov. 1666-15 Nov. 1746.
RAL, OUL 811/3Fac. Arts, Register of the Promotiones in Artibus: list of Post-Mediales: 1744-1797
RAL, OUL 811/4Fac. Arts, Register of the Promotiones in Artibus et Promotiones: Nov. 1643-Nov. 1764
RAL, OUL 812Fac. Arts, Register of Actus Licentiae in Artibus et Promotiones: 1660-1743
RAL, OUL 813Fac. Arts, Liber Promotionum: 6 Nov. 1674-28 Oct. 1761 (complete lists)
RAL, OUL 814Fac. Arts, Liber Promotionum: 1737-87; 1789-95.
RAL, OUL 815Fac. Arts, Liber Promotionum: 1758-93.
RAL, OUL 866Fac. Arts, Ped. Castrum (C), Liber Nominum commensalium Castrensium: with names of students: Oct. 1762-76.
RAL, OUL 924Fac. Arts, Ped. Castrum (C), accounts: with names of students: 10 July 1575-30 Apr. 1617.
RAL, OUL 925Fac. Arts, Ped. Castrum (C), accounts: with names of students: 1617-1624.
RAL, OUL 1028Fac. Arts, Ped. Porcus (P), accounts: with names of students: 1574; 1499-1598.
RAL, OUL 1029Fac. Arts, Ped. Porcus (P), accounts: with names of students: 1599-1613.
RAL, OUL 1036Fac. Arts, Ped. Porcus (P), accounts: with names of students: Manuale Philosophorum: 1 Oct. 1779-4 Oct. 1797.
RAL, OUL 1299Fac. Arts, Ped. Falco (F), Varia a.o. accounts: lists of students: 1605-8.
RAL, OUL 1312Fac. Arts, Ped. Falco (F), accounts: 15 Sept. 1583-21 July 1587, with lists of students.
RAL, OUL 1313Fac. Arts, Ped. Falco (F), accounts: 4 June 1594-4 Sept. 1605, with lists of students.
RAL, OUL 1314Fac. Arts, Ped. Falco (F), accounts: 24 June 1621-24 June 1622, with lists of students.
RAL, OUL 1498CM, list of students with bursaries they enjoy, 1774-87.
RAL, OUL 1499CM, Registrum Alumnorum 1774-93 (held by J.F. van de Velde and J.L. Bax).
RAL, OUL 1598CM, Manuale Alumnorum Majoris Collegii Sancti Spiritus: manual held by the procurator (J.L. Bax), from 9 July 1785-88
RAL, OUL 1599CM, Manuale Alumnorum: manuels held by the procurator (J.L. Bax), Apr. 1790-94.
RAL, OUL 1605CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, 24 Dec. 1684-23 Dec. 1691.
RAL, OUL 1606CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, 1 June 1736-1 Oct. 1744.
RAL, OUL 1607CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, Copia computus D.ni Procuratoris Swijsen 1 June 1736-1 Oct. 1744.
RAL, OUL 1608CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, 1 Oct. 1744-1 Oct. 1749.
RAL, OUL 1609CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, Copia 1 Oct. 1744-1 Oct. 1749.
RAL, OUL 1610/1CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, 1758-1765.
RAL, OUL 1610/2CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, 1758-1765.
RAL, OUL 1611CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, 1765-1781.
RAL, OUL 1612CM, Accounts of the College, with lists of the students, 1792-1797.
RAL, OUL 1631-1634CM, Registers Burses
RAL, OUL 1631CM, Liber Fundationum Majoris Collegii, renovatus 1713 with lists of the bursaries, 1713-85. Tomus Primus with alphabetical list.
RAL, OUL 1632CM, Liber Fundationum Majoris Collegii, renovatus 1713 with lists of the bursaries, 1713-85. Tomus Secundus with alphabetical list.
RAL, OUL 1633CM, Lists of Burses and their revenues with indication of the collators, conditions etc. [by J.L. Bax, after 1786].
RAL, OUL 1634CM, Lists and documents relating to this Burses: 1700-92, with list of bursaries.
RAL, OUL 1635CM, Manuale Fundationum with list of bursaries, 1770-80.
RAL, OUL 1636CM, Manuale Fundationum with list of bursaries, 1780-87.
RAL, OUL 1637CM, Manuale Bursariorum Majoris Collegii inhabitantium in eodem: with list of bursaries, 1754-88.
RAL, OUL 1638CM, Manuale Bursariorum Majoris Collegii inhabitantium extra illud: with list of bursaries, 1732-88.
RAL, OUL 1639CM, Manuale Bursariorum et Fundationum with list of bursaries, with financial and biographical notes, end 18th century.
RAL, OUL 1747CM, Burse John Sinnich (Cork, Ireland), STD et Prof., pres. CM by will of 10 Apr. 1666: will, admin. general. collat.: 1643-1794.
RAL, OUL 1755CM, Burse Raymond Barry (Cork), P.P. Deinze (Belgium), augm. of Burse John Sinnich, by will of 22 May 1687: will, exec., admin.: 1687-1711.
RAL, OUL 2148Standonck College: Burse (Cork, Ireland) by John Sinnich, STD & Prof., pres. CM, by will dated 10 Apr. 1666: will, agreement with CM, collat. 1666-1797.
RAL, OUL 2708Popes College, Liber Fundationum Collegii Pontificis et Bursariorum with lists of bursaries: 1625-39.
RAL, OUL 3470Coll. Milius or de Luxemburg, visitation of; complaints of its pres. William Fabricius.
RAL, OUL 3471Coll. Milius or de Luxemburg: difficulties nomination Martin Caddam as its president, by Francis Martin; law suit 1704; 1721.
RAL, OUL 3472Coll. Milius or de Luxemburg: on Thomas Stapleton, president.
RAL, OUL 3473Coll. Milius or de Luxemburg: on Maure Fabricius, JUL, pres.
RAL, OUL 3474Coll. Milius or de Luxemburg, pres. Martin Caddam, coll. by Francis Martin.
RAL, OUL 3475Coll. Milius or de Luxemburg, pres. Alard van der Steen.
RAL, OUL 3705IFC, Burse Raymond Magrath, by will 1 Mar. 1734.
RAL, OUL 4148 IPC, divers docs. 1656, 1721, 1724-27, 1781.
RAL, OUL 4149IPC, ‘Burse’ Schinkel: difficulties between IPC and pensionnaire de Louvain, Jean Schorenbroodt, who pretends to be the heir ab intestato of Schinkel and claims the property of the College: 1661.
RAL, OUL 4150IPC, pres. Florent O’Sullivan: docs regarding difficulties with students: 1720-24.
RAL, OUL 4151IPC, pres. Florent O’Sullivan-Francis Martin: law suit for bad management of the affairs and difficulties with students: 1720-21.
RAL, OUL 4152IPC, pres. P. Macve: problems with his students, 1787-93, difficulties regarding his succession, 1793.
RAL, OUL 4153IPC, doc. Rel. to students: difficulties regarding discipline & observation of the rules, 1754 and 1787.
RAL, OUL 4154IPC, accounts of pres. John Kent and exec. of his will, 10 June 1773-16 Nov. 1778.
RAL, OUL 4155IPC, Burses by Pope Urbain VIII and Eugene Matthews MacMahon, Abp. Dublin, in 1624: regulations
RAL, OUL 4156IPC, Burse John Schinkel, STD and Prof., pres. Of Coll. d’Arras and Adrian VI, by will of 25 Feb. 1637: will, admin: 1606-1746.
RAL, OUL 4157IPC, Burse Matthew Theige, will 1652; admin 1661.
RAL, OUL 4158IPC, Burse James August Normel, 1653; diff., with collat. 1724; collat. 1726.
RAL, OUL 4159IPC, Burse Thomas Stapleton, JUD et Prof., pres. Coll. Milius, by will of 14 June 1688: lawsuit against the provisors by John Power.
RAL, OUL 4160IPC, Burse John O’Sullivan, STD, pres. IPC, by will of 1695.
RAL, OUL 4161IPC, Burse Florent O’Sullivan, STD, pres. IPC, dean St. James church, Leuven by will of 21 June 1726: will, admin., collat.: 1726-87
RAL, OUL 4162IPC, Burse Raymond Magrath, from Ulster, Medecin in Imperial Army, by will of 1 Mar. 1734, incorporated in IPC, 21 June 1738: will, admin.: 1734-59.
RAL, OUL 4163IPC, Burse Thomas Stapleton, augmentation of Fund. By Louis de Batty, from Beauraing, Canon of St. James, Leuven by will of 2 June 1775: will and codicile of 24 Jan. 1776.
RAL, OUL 4164IPC, Burse John Kent, STL and pres. IPC, Canon St. Peter, Leuven by will of 1778 (died 11 Nov. 1778): accounts exec. will by Francis O’Hearn: 1771-80.
RAL, OUL 4166IDC, difficulties caused to superior of the College, Father Cornick, and to religious, by Francis Martin in Aug. 1717.
RAL, OUL 4385Coll. de Vaulx, accounts 1 Oct. 1605-29 Mar. 1657; accounts burses de Vaulx June 1657-1 Jan. 1670.
RAL, OUL 4386Coll. de Vaulx, accounts Computus Culinarius Collegii del Vaulx, 1654-57
RAL, OUL 4387Coll. de Vaulx, Fund. Burses accounts and collat. 1587-1652.
RAL, OUL 4406SSTr., doc. Rel. to regents: o.a. complaints by Francis O’Hearn regarding a too strict regent: 1786.
RAL, OUL 4408SSTr., doc. rel. to professors: Francis O’Hearn: 1776
RAL, OUL 4409SSTr., doc. rel. to students: 1679-1788.
RAL, OUL 4410SSTr., difficulties and disorders caused by the students, excited by Fr. O’Hearn et certain of his collegues against the Regent and Subregents: 26-27 Nov. 1777; 1778.
RAL, OUL 4411SSTr., Manuale Minervalium: accounts: lists of students: Oct. 1747- Oct. 1787
RAL, OUL 4412SSTr., Manuale Minervalium: accounts: lists of students: 1787-90
RAL, OUL 4413SSTr., Lists of Price books distributed to laureats: 1723-91.
RAL, OUL 4414SSTr., Manuale Convictorum: receipts of boarders: convictores et inquilini: 1772-80.
RAL, OUL 4415SSTr., doc. Rel. to students: lists, bills, accounts of 2nd and 3rd table: 1789-91.
RAL, OUL 4416SSTr., doc. Rel. accounts of students: law suits, letters regarding debts: 1674-1790.
RAL, OUL 4417SSTr., doc. Law suits by the regent J.G. Moulan for unpaid bills: 1780-84.
RAL, OUL 4582Flying Burses: Burse of seven bursaries by Thomas Stapleton, 14 July 1688: admin collat. geneal.: 1688-1789
RAL, OUL 4583Flying Burses: Burse Thomas Stapleton: dossier of a law suit for rent, and unpaid sums: 1700-31.
RAL, OUL 4584Flying Burses: Burse Thomas Stapleton: dossier of a law suit for contested parenty, by John Power, from Waterford, against the provisors of this fundation: 1738-52
RAL, OUL 4599Flying Burses: Burse Michel Hennessy, by will dated July1730: rents and propreties. State of Fundation in 1795 and 1818; restablishment 1821.
RAL, OUL 4751Fac. Arts, Liber nominationum, 25 Apr. 1515- 26 Jan. 1547.
RAL, OUL 4752Fac. Arts, Liber nominationum, 1 Oct. 1558-15 Dec. 1624.
RAL, OUL 4753Fac. Arts, Liber nominationum, 5 Jan. 1624-23 Mar. 1680.
RAL, OUL 4754Fac. Arts, Liber nominationum, 27 Aug. 1680-17 Dec. 1754.
RAL, OUL 4755Fac. Arts, Priviligies of nomination, 20 Jan. 1755-25 Apr. 1794.
RDEdmond H.J. Reusens, Documents relatifs à l’histoire de l’Université de Louvain (1425-1797), (5 vols, Louvain, 1893-1902). Table des notices... par Jean Buchet. Partially reprinted, Brussels, 1999, with different pagination.
RecMatr. Matriculation from the Receptors Registers, RAL, OUL, 273-292.
Redmond, Dr. French Gabriel OC. Redmond, ‘Dr. French, Bishop of Ferns’ in J.W.S.E.I.A.S., iv (1898), pp 238-244.
Renehan L.F. Renehan, Collections in Irish church history, ed. D. MacCarthy, (2 vols, Dublin, 1861-74).
Report 1731 ‘Report on the state of Popery, Ireland, 1731’ in Arch. Hib., i (1912), pp 10-27; ii (1913), pp 108-156; iii (1914), pp 124-159; iv (1915), pp 131-177.
RFBE Recueil des Fondations de Bourses d’Etudes, existant en Belgique, (Brussels, 1873).
RLAResponsiones formales (pro Licentiatu Artium)
RMAResponsiones formales (pro Magisterio Artium)
RNRepertorium Novum
RPrA. Reusens, E.H.J., Promotions de la Faculté des Arts de lUniversité de Louvain (1428-1797), 1er fascicule (Promotions de 1428 à 1568) (Louvain, Ch. Peeters, 1869).
S.P. Ó Mordha, Clogher Record AlbumS.P. Ó Mordha, ‘Heber MacMahon, soldier bishop of the Confederation of Kilkenny’ in Joseph Duffy (ed.) Clogher Record Album, (Monaghan, 1975), pp 41-62.
SALStadsarchief Leuven (City Archives Leuven)
SCPFSacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide.
SCPFSean Duffy, ‘The Loughross Gaelic Scholar: Doctor James Woods’ in Creggan: Journal of The Creggan Local History Society (1989), pp ??
Seanchas Ardmhacha Seanchas Ardmhacha
Sec. pr.Secular Priest
Shaaber, 1975 M.A. Saaber, Check-list of Works of British Authors Printed Abroad, in Languages other than English to 1641, (New York, 1975).
S.J. Societas Jesu; Jesuit.
Spic. Oss. P.F. Moran (ed.), Spicilegium Ossoriense. A collection of original letters and papers illustrative of the history of the Irish Church from the reformation to 1800, (3 vols, Dublin, 1874-84).
SSTr. Collegium Sanctissimae Trinitatis; Holy Trinity College, Leuven
STB Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus
STBC Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus Currens
STBFSacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus Formatus
STDSacrae Theologiae Doctor
STLSacrae Theologiae Licentiatus
STsSacrae Theologiae studiosus
Stroobant, Grand Conseil de Malines Louis Stroobant, Les Magistrats du Grand Conseil de Malines, (Antwerp, 1903).
ULUniversity of Leuven
Van de Wiel, Jansenistica Constant Van de Wiel, Jansenistica te Mechelen. Het archief van het Aartsbisdom, (Leuven, 1988).
V.G.Vicar general